Brittney Iso Artistry
Bringing Creativity to Life

When I started flow arts, focusing on hula hoop, in 2012 I had no idea it would actually become a medicine. It truly helped me to fight my anxious thoughts and it eased my social anxiety. Performing gave me a new and fulfilling way to connect with people. I fell in love with how it made people drop their guards and just enjoy themselves. It was then I realized I was now making flow medicine for them too!
Quickly I began to expand past flow arts and my hula hoop into circus skills like stilt walking and fire performing. I am always looking for fun new ways to make my cirque-medicine. I have been mostly self-taught in these art forms but have found aerial and pole studios to safely train my newest but more dangerous aerial loves!
Currently I perform for all sorts of circus companies, events, and festivals and have no intention of slowing down anytime soon! I am working towards leveling up my aerial skills and gathering equipment to be able to perform it in more places. Next goal is to make local, public performances and start regular hula hoop classes so people can make their own flow medicine!
Keep Smiling!
Brittney Iso